Case Studies
Culvert Rehabilitation
Wyandot County Culvert, Crawford Township, Ohio
Situation: Twin culverts beneath Route 23, south east of Route 103 in Adrian, Ohio (Wyandot County) were damaged, filling with debris and water and needed to be repaired in order to avoid future erosion and potential replacement. Miller Brothers Construction removed the decaying ends of both 96" diameter concrete culvert pipes and replaced them. Following the replacement, the new and existing culverts (totaling 640') needed to be preserved in order to prevent future erosion and extend the overall service life of the structure.
Erosion Control
Reinforcement of Lakefront Bluffs - Lake Erie
Situation: A homeowner along the shore of Lake
Erie in Lakewood, Ohio desired to make better use of the bluff behind his home on
the lake. The homeowner desired to create a balcony that partly
cantilevered outward over the top of the bluff. They needed a
foundation in the face of the slope between the home and the lake
that would support the vertical weight and wind loads of the
Thomas J. McCall Memorial Bridge
Situation: A span of the Pennsylvania Route 209
was slated for rehabilitation in 2014
on the Thomas J. McCall Memorial Bridge over the Lehigh River,
Lehigh Canal and Norfolk Southern rail line in Franklin Township,
Lehighton and Weissport boroughs, Canal County. The project
involved deck repairs, replacing deck joints, back walls and steel
bearings, concrete and steel repairs and the removing and replacing
of one pier. The work being done on the bridge would add weight to
the deck and would therefore require enhancement of the foundation
for the original pier.
Compaction Grouting
Norfolk Southern Railway
Situation: Norfolk Southern Railway operates a
'hump yard' in Bellevue, Ohio and their growing rail shipment business has prompted a
need to significantly increase the capacity of this facility. As
part of this expansion of the yard, the designers included a
prophylactic step of increasing strength and density beneath the
surface to stabilize the ground. The remedy is compaction grouting
of the portion of the site expected to experience the most
Civil Construction
City of Independence Sewer Repair
Situation: There was a storm drainage problem caused by an under-capacity of the existing storm sewer outlet at the new Cleveland Cavaliers training facility built in Independence. We discovered the reduced pipe capacity because of hard debris in bottom third of pipe. The pipe could not be cleaned with standard equipment and methods. The blockage was located approximately 300 linear feet downstream from the manhole. The storm line went through private property and was under concrete pavement approximately twenty (20) inches thick and tied into a larger outlet pipe without a manhole.
Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation
Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
Situation: Officials at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport were receiving pilot
complaints regarding a depression on a section of one of the main
runways causing bumpy take offs and landings. The area was
professionally surveyed and it was determined that the dip measured
approximately 4 inches over a 150' x 150' area. Geotech
Services, Inc. was called in to evaluate the problem and
offer a solution to underseal, stabilize and level the pavement.
Geotech recommended and used High Density Polyurethane
(HDP) technology to correct the issue.
Culvert Lining
Ohio Turnpike Commission
Situation: The spring line
of an existing 54 inch corrugated metal pipe was corroded badly on
the Ohio Turnpike (western Ohio) and there was little cover between
the culvert and the road pavement. If the road would collapse due
to the failing culvert, the motoring public would have to endure
open cutting all 4 lanes of the Ohio turnpike.
Rock Anchors
U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Marblehead, Ohio U.S. Coast Guard Station
Situation: Ryba Marine Construction Company had a contract to deepen the basin at the USCG Station at Marblehead, Ohio. Geotech Services was called in secure the pedestals of the existing docks so that they would remain structurally sound while Ryba excavated through rock to increase the draft of the basin.
Micro Piles
Carmeuse Lime and Stone
Situation: A barge dock previously installed for the Carmeuse Lime and Stone aggregate quarry in Port Inland, Michigan had been compromised by a water main break. Conventional tiebacks could not be reinstalled. Geotech Services engineers worked with Krech Ojard & Associates of Duluth & Eau Clair, Wisconsin to develop an approach to return the dock to its original working capacity.
Soil Anchors
American Electric Power
Situation: There was a need to install a
temporary dock for American Electric Power Company so that some
very large components for the power plant could be delivered by
barge from the other end of the river to keep the project on
schedule. These essential components were oversized and were needed
to help meet EPA regulations for pollution control. They couldn't
be transported by land. The only way to get them in place was via
the river.
Soil Anchors
Main Street Bridge, Columbus, Ohio
Situation: Excavation for the abutments
of the Main Street Bridge over the Scioto River in Columbus had to
go approximately 15 feet below the river level. Kokosing
Construction awarded the project to Geotech Services Inc. and
engineers from both companies worked together to design the
temporary support of the perimeter of the bridge abutment
Soil Nail Wall
Cleveland Museum of Art
Situation: The Cleveland Museum of Art demolished an early 1900's building to replace it with a new structure. Needed a way to support the floor slabs and caisson foundations and still allow for ample space for the excavation of the new building. It was mandatory to protect the deep foundation while construction was being done on the new structure. They needed to go down 46 feet deep, immediately next to the existing building. Geotech Services engineers worked with Independence Excavating's team to develop the soil nail design as an alternative to the originally proposed retention system.
Fairview Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio
Situation: Marous Brothers Construction was awarded the excavation contract on a new ICU expansion of Fairview Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio in November 2011. Marous was working closely with the Project Manager, Turner Construction. Geotech Services was called on to provide temporary earth retention of the north and south walls. The timeline was tight and the project had its challenges, but all organizations worked well together.
The excavation of approximately 18 feet was limited on three sides, the west end abutted Lorain Avenue on the north side and the primary patient access road to the hospital on the south foundations of the building.
Erosion Control Fabric Formed Concrete
Fort Martin Power Station
Situation: Fort Martin was
experiencing uncontrolled runoff of contaminated rain water from
the gypsum stockpile storage area. The perimeter collection ditch
was installed to collect the runoff and channel it to a controlled
treatment area. The Fabric form channel liner was needed to prevent
surface erosion and to prevent exfiltration of the untreated runoff
Cellular Concrete Void Fill
CVS Pharmacy
General contractor Fortney & Weygandt discovered an issue that
they had with a sagging interior floor slab in the Office
area of a CVS Pharmacy. Forntey's crew had removed a piece of floor
slab to inspect the plumbing in a bathroom area and discovered a
void area below the floor slab approximately 2 ½ feet deep by 6 ft
wide by 30 ft. long.
Compaction Grouting
Ohio Department of Transportation - Canton, Ohio
Situation: A substantial dip of several
inches in the pavement had developed at north end of north bound
I-77 bridge deck that coincided with a NB ramp from US Route 30
onto I-77 in Canton, Ohio.